Going On Tour: How To Protect Your Band's Equipment

Going On Tour: How To Protect Your Band’s Equipment

Gear theft or damage is One of the common unfortunate circumstances bands face when they tour. There have been several cases of bands losing some of their equipment or all, during the course of a tour. Some of them have even lost their vans together with their gears.

Considering how expensive band gears are, losing little or a full set of gears is a situation no one prays to be in. The best way forward to ensure that you avoid being in an unfortunate situation, such as losing your gear, is to take measures to protect them.

Read on to find out how to protect your Band’s equipment when going on tour.

7 Ways to Protect Your Band Gears When Going On Tour

Put trackers on your equipment

This is the most important step to carry out before traveling to any location. You can easily put a tracker on the van carrying your gears. This will help you track your equipment to wherever the thief takes it if it gets stolen. Taking the serial numbers and photos of your gears can also help track them if they get stolen. While no one prays to be in a bad situation, taking precautions will lessen the impact of the issue if experienced.

Do not leave the van or storage that contains your equipment unwatched

Always get a security or a dog to watch your gears; never leave it without a pair of eyes watching it. A thief may be lurking behind, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Be alert!

Do not overload your gears

While taking serious measures to protect your band’s equipment from thieves is important, do not forget to prevent damages from happening to them. Overloading can damage your gears and compromise your safety as well. Overloading can affect the balance of your van which may lead to uncontrollable accidents on the way. If an accident happens due to your negligence in carrying the right amount of load in your van, you will be charged with a personal injury case that will, in turn, make you spend a lot of money. On the contrary, if you happen to be the faulted party during an accident, you can get MVA leads here for your attorney, to help you win the case.

Keep your equipment under Lock and keys

Try to avoid costly mistakes like forgetting to lock the van that contains your equipment properly or misplacing your keys. Whether you have someone watching your car or not, ensure that you double-check the locks at all times.

Do not haul a trailer

There have been many cases of haul trailers getting detached while on the road. Always get a big van that can contain all your equipment. remember not to overload your van, hence the need to go for a van that can fit your gears perfectly.

Organise storage options before going on tour

There are good storage options you can pick while going on tour. There is the option of renting a personal storage facility to pack your gear, or you can get a solid cage with a good lock for them. If you plan to use a storage option when on tour, ensure that you make the necessary arrangements before time.

Do not leave your gears out in the open unattended

One inescapable thing about tours is the steady presence of a crowd. Leaving your equipment unattended in a crowded place is putting a bone in front of a dog. Leaving your gears for even a minute is very risky. If you must leave your gears in the open, ensure that you get a trusted person to watch them.


Protecting your band’s equipment is a necessary part of a tour as even a little negligence can lead to severe circumstances. The tips on our list can help protect your band’s gear During tours. Get a good van for your tour, and remember to put a tracker on it as a precautionary measure.

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