All The Ways Music Can Heal Your Soul!

All The Ways Music Can Heal Your Soul!

Music is a Known source of solace in times of different emotional states for most people. It offers comfort to those going through stress, depression, anxiety, and other emotional issues.

Scientifically, listening to music has been proven to release endorphin hormones that are associated with pain relief and pleasure. The result of this finding suggests that listening to music can help reduce stress, clear the mind and aid in the healing process of the body.

If music has been proven to heal the body scientifically, we can agree that it can do the same to our souls.

Based on human design, we all have different personalities, purposes, strengths, and weaknesses. There are different ways to understand how to unlock or access your personality, decision-making abilities, strength, and the ability to overcome weaknesses and listening to music is one of those ways.

The human design system places each human into one of four distinct types namely;

  • Manifestors: These are the initiators, those who do not wait to get told what to do; rather, they initiate the ideas and plans.
  • Generators: The generators are the builders, they know how to utilize the opportunities given to them. Under the generators, some people fall under the category of manifesting generators. They initiate plans and also act on them. Generators have an unlimited supply of energy that enables them to build or create.
  • Projectors: The Projectors are not as energy-filled As the generators, neither are they initiators as the manifestors, but they are very insightful. They can be referred to as guides or managers but they only showcase their skills to those that are willing to follow their leads. Projectors or born leaders.
  • Reflectors: The generators are the most common types of people and on the other hand, the reflectors are the rarest. Their abilities are unique. Reflectors are known to mirror their environments. They act based on the energy present around them. They take their time to understand a situation, before making any decision.

Human Design shows that each human is uniquely built and that we all have different abilities that we need to understand to help us unlock them. You can do some more research to find out about Human Design, as this will help you understand the type of energy you have.

Listening to the right music is a major key to understanding your abilities or energy. For most people, listening to calm music unlocks most of their abilities.

One way to access and utilize your inner mind is by being calm. A calm mind can heal your soul from hurt and you can only access your full abilities when you have a healed soul. This goes far to show the impact of listening to music.

3 Ways Music Can Heal Your Soul

1-Improving mood

Unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances cause you to have a low spirit. One of the best methods to escape from a bad mood is by listening to uplifting music that can heal your soul from the hurt. Stress is one of the factors that can lead to a foul mood. And what better way is there to relieve stress than through a little music therapy? You can control and get relief from your sad emotions when you are in a better mood.

2-Enhancing focus

A healed soul unlocks all kinds of abilities including enhancing your focus. Your Soul heals when it is calm and you can only achieve it when you are relaxed. You can calm yourself by listening to songs with calming abilities like orchestras, classical, or blues. When your soul is calm and healed from the music, your mind relaxes and will, in turn, enhance important abilities like your focus.

3-Pain reduction

A great way to reduce pain is by getting distracted from it. You feel more pain when you keep thinking about it. Listening to your favourite song can help distract your mind from the pain which eventually leads to pain reduction. Healing comes from the mind; once your mind is healed, your body and soul follow suit.


Human design shows that you have certain abilities but you can barely access them when your soul is healed. Listening to uplifting music can help you heal your soul and give you the room to unlock your energy.

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